How To Convince Your Spouse To Start Living Off-Grid
Living off-grid is a lifestyle choice that is gaining popularity. Many people are disillusioned with the idea of city life and no longer want to depend on the state for all their utilities. However, living off the grid is not easy, and it does require some sacrifice and a commitment to change. This will require that both you and your partner are on board with the idea before you take the leap and go off grid. If your spouse is not fully convinced about off-grid living, how do you convince them that it is a good idea?
Some ideas to help you convince your spouse to start off grid living can include:
- Take it slow.
- Be honest about off grid living and your feelings.
- Try before you buy.
- Do off grid things at home.
- Immerse yourselves in the culture.
- Compromise with your off-grid goals to include your spouse.
You and your spouse are a partnership and living off grid will require the partnership to be strong and robust and for both parties to be totally committed to the concept of off grid living. If one partner is not totally convinced about the idea, it could cause problems down the line when the going gets tough.
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Steps to Convincing Your Spouse to Live Off-Grid
Choosing the off-grid lifestyle is, for all intents and purposes, choosing to do life the hard way. Homesteading and living off grid is not easy, it’s sometimes inconvenient, and it is always hard work.
Some people see the off-grid lifestyle of others and get caught up in the romance of it all, others like the idea of saving the planet and reducing their environmental impact. While these are good ideals, they require hard work and sacrifice, and not everyone is cut out for this kind of lifestyle. However, despite the hard work, an off-grid life is a rewarding one. It can also be peaceful, fulfilling, and give you a sense of control over your own destiny.
Some people may not have this view of the lifestyle from the outset and may require you to make your case for the change in a way that they will help them share your dream.
Consider the following steps to see which ones you could use to convince your spouse that this is the right thing to do.
1. Take It Slow
Don’t spring the idea on your spouse; making a huge change in your lifestyle is not something that you should rush into and certainly not something you can expect your spouse to make a decision on in a week or two!

You need to introduce the idea slowly by explaining the benefits, exploring the challenges, working out finances, and considering the logistics that require this big a change. Even if you have been thinking about the idea for some time, you will need to give your spouse a similar time concession to come around to the concept.
Another aspect that you should avoid is to try to pressure your spouse into going off grid with you and nag them for a decision. View the discovery of this type of lifestyle as an adventure that the two of you can explore together.
2. Be Honest About Off-Grid Living and Your Feelings
You need to have open discussions with your spouse about the concepts around off grid living and what it will entail. Consider the changes you would need to make to your lifestyles, weighing up the benefits, the challenges and the sacrifices that they will demand.
Don’t try to paint a rosy, unrealistic picture of the off-grid dream. This will set false expectations and set your spouse up for disappointment once the change has been made and could adversely affect your relationship.
If you are sold on the idea, you need to discuss it with your spouse as to why you feel this lifestyle would be beneficial to you both. Be aware that you may receive some resistance to your reasons, and you need to be prepared to give honest responses to the resistance or questions that your spouse may have.
If you don’t have the answers, why not encourage your spouse to journey with you to discover the answer. It may give you both a new perspective on your reasons for and against the lifestyle change.
3. Try Before You Buy
There are many off grid homesteads that offer their property as a weekend break away where you can stay on a cottage on the homestead and experience the off-grid lifestyle in small doses.
This will give you a chance to speak to the landowners and get firsthand knowledge of what it is like to live this lifestyle. It will also give you the chance to experience some of the work that goes into maintaining this lifestyle as well as experience the benefits such as healthy, homegrown produce, peace, and quiet and less stress.
This experience of “dipping your toes in the water,” may give your spouse the chance to allay some of their fears or at least get some of their questions answered.
Related Reading: 5 Off-Grid Communities That Live And Breathe Off-Grid!
4. Do Off Grid Things at Home

Try off grid activities at home, such as fermenting, pickling, making your own bread, growing your own vegetables, and taking steps to lower your energy requirements.
Take up new hobbies that could be useful when living off grid, such as taking courses on solar installations, learning leatherwork, or learning carpentry. Involve your spouse in these hobbies or encourage them to take up their own, in whatever interests they may have.
Once your spouse experiences these farm-style activities, they will start to see that the lifestyle is not as bad as they may have first thought.
Related Reading: 5 Steps For a Successful Transition to Off Grid Living
5. Immerse Yourself in The Culture
This is a journey that you need to take your spouse on in learning as much as possible about the lifestyle and what it will mean to you as a couple. Both from the changes you would need to make, your expectations, and what benefits the change would bring to your health and lifestyle and relationship.
Watch videos, read books attend open days and off grid conferences, and include your spouse in all these activities.

Make lists of the possibilities that you need to consider about the off-grid life and how they will impact your lifestyle, and ways to learn from others how they overcame similar challenges. Discuss things such as the following.
- Generating income.
- Schooling for children.
- Community.
- Self-sufficiency.
- What your homesteading goals would be?
- What livestock would you keep?
- What food would you grow?
- How will you generate energy to retain some modern conveniences?
Invite your spouse to learn as much as possible with you. This will go a long way to settling any objections that they may have in their mind about the change. Sometimes it is best for people to come to a conclusion themselves rather than simply telling them what your opinion is.
Related Reading: The 7 Best Books For Learning How To Live Off Grid
6. Compromise Your Off-Grid Goals to Include Your Spouse
If your spouse is not interested in getting involved with an off-grid lifestyle and prefers the corporate or suburban life, you may need to consider some compromises in your off-grid goals.
Many people would be interested in a quiet country life if they still have access to the modern conveniences of urban or suburban life. Instead of moving too far away from civilization, consider moving to a place that is semi-rural, where you can enjoy the off-grid life, and your spouse still has access to the city to continue a corporate career.
Many homesteads or off grid style properties are within a 30-minutes to an hour drive from a city or town where you can not only have access to business opportunities to sell your off-grid products but also for your spouse to enjoy a corporate career and have a much more enjoyable commute every day.
This may give you both the opportunity to live your dream life by each making some compromises to accommodate the needs of the other person.
Convincing your spouse that the off-grid lifestyle is one that could benefit both of you may be a challenging task, depending on the mindset of your spouse and their current perception of what this kind of lifestyle means.
You will need to approach the topic with gentleness, consideration, and an open mind to also hear the perspective, concerns, and queries that your spouse may have about the topic.
As long as you don’t try to bulldoze over them to exert your will, you will find that as you journey together to find out if this is a lifestyle that will be a fit for you, they may come around to your way of thinking!
My Off-Grid Product Recommendations

Useful Book: Off Grid Living 2022-2021 – This incredible step by step guide is a great read and gives you useful information about reaching self-sufficiency in just 30 days. Get the paperback on Amazon or read it free with a Kindle Unlimited subscription or listen to the audio version with Audible Plus membership.

Small Solar Panel Systems: Silicon Solar – This is an excellent company that offers lots of products to get you started on your solar journey. Visit Silicon Solar.

Family Water Filter: Big Berkey – For a fast, affordable water filter with no plumbing required, you can’t beat a Big Berkey gravity-fed filter like this one from Amazon.

Canning Equipment – This canning starter kit, 22-quart Barton pressure canner and twelve-pack of Ball 16oz mason jars will help you preserve food as you work towards self-sufficiency.

Cleaning: Fuller Carpet Sweeper –. This carpet sweeper is an ideal way to keep your home clean without using up your energy stores on vacuuming.

Handy Knife: Gerber Serrated Paraframe – This handy all-purpose knife is lightweight and ideal for all those little jobs around your home and garden.
Related Reading
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