How Long do Solar Panels Last? +5 Ways to Extend Their Life

How Long do Solar Panels Last? +5 Ways to Extend Their Life

Buying and installing solar panels is one of the most momentous tasks of taking your home off-grid. When you finally take the plunge, it’s important to know how long they will last. Solar panels last for at least 25 years. Throughout their use, they slowly degrade which reduces their output over time. Most panels will continue…

How Much Money Do You Need to Live Off-Grid? With 3 Examples

How Much Money Do You Need to Live Off-Grid? With 3 Examples

When I think about living off-grid, I think about saving money. But, as soon as I started pricing up some of the necessary equipment, I realized that it can be far from cheap. Between $60,000 and $100,000 covers most things you will need to get you started off-grid. The exact cost depends on several factors,…

Is It Legal to Disconnect Your Home From the Electricity Grid?

Is It Legal to Disconnect Your Home From the Electricity Grid?

Estimates show that between 180,000 and 2 million people live off-grid in the US, yet many governments and authorities strongly oppose it. Before you go off-grid yourself you must know what legal restrictions you might face. In many states, disconnecting from the power grid is entirely lawful, but some local regulations may require you to…

Is Off-Grid Living in Alaska Still Achievable?

Is Off-Grid Living in Alaska Still Achievable?

Like many people, I once dreamed of moving to the remote wilderness of Alaska. But, is off-grid living in Alaska still achievable?  Yes, living off-grid in Alaska is achievable. There are currently thousands of people living some form of off-grid life there. The terrain is incredibly tough, and many Alaskans live in ‘dry’ cabins without…